Sunday 21 June 2015

Summer solstice 2015

Today, being the summer solstice, the longest day, I took myself to the highest point of the headland to witness the sunrise over the sea. 0425h was the appointed time and, with something of a struggle, I roused from my slumbers to drive up the winding path to the lighthouse.
Unfortunately, the bank of cloud on the horizon spoiled the effect, masking the actual sunrise. Still, the sky was infused with subtle colours as the rays filtered through, turquoises, pinks, and mauves, and all to the continuous accompaniment of cawing and screaming from the colonies of guillemots. kittiwakes and razorbills on the cliffs beneath.
I met charming young couple waiting, like me, for the sun rise, who said they had seen dolphins or maybe porpoises off-shore earlier but they had gone by the time I arrived.

Back home, I read in yesterday's news that a 2500 year old, Bronze Age “sun disc” made from gold, was to be on show in Wiltshire. I couldn't help wondering if the owner of the disc had risen from his bed and trekked to some high point at sunrise on the longest day, two and a half millennia ago and what the sunrise had meant to him or her. 

Lack of sleep can make you fanciful!

For some, it is just another working day!

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